Thursday, March 28, 2019

आपका स्मार्टफोन अगर चोरी हो जाए तो अपनाएं यह टिप्स, जान लो कभी भी काम आएगा

आपका स्मार्टफोन अगर चोरी हो जाए तो अपनाएं यह टिप्स, जान लो कभी भी काम आएगा

कभी-कभी ऐसा भी हो जाता है कि स्मार्टफोन खो जाता है या चोरी हो जाता है  ऐसे में हमारा पर्सनल डाटा लीक होने या उसका गलत इस्तेमाल होने की संभावना रहती है। लेकिन हमें पता नहीं होता कि किस तरह अपने खोए हुए Smart phone  का डाटा सुरक्षित रखें ताकि उसका गलत इस्तेमाल ना हो सके या फिर तो हमें खोए हुए स्मार्ट फोन को लॉक कैसे करना है इसकी जानकारी नहीं होती है।

आज हम आपको कुछ ऐसे टिप्स बताएंगे जिसकी मदद से आप का खोया हुआ स्मार्ट फोन का डाटा सुरक्षित रहेगा। इसके लिए आपको खोए हुए स्मार्ट फोन को लॉक कैसे करना है यह जानकारी होना चाहिए क्योंकि खोए हुए स्मार्ट फोन को लॉक करने से आपका डाटा सुरक्षित रहेगा,  और आपको Future मे कोई भी problem की सामना ना करना पङे ।

1. सबसे पहले किसी दूसरे स्मार्टफोन या फिर डेस्कटॉप पीसी में ब्राउज़र ओपन कर ले ।
2) उसके बाद माय अकाउंट डॉट गूगल डॉट कॉम यह एड्रेस बार में डालकर ओपन करें।
3) बाद में जीमेल की आईडी से लॉगिन करें जिसका इस्तेमाल अपनए हुए स्मार्टफोन में किया था ।
Means जो आपके खोए फोन मे पहले से log in था।

4) उसके बाद सिक्योरिटी ऑप्शन में क्लिक करें। उस पेज में आपके सभी स्मार्टफोन की सूची दिखेगी जिसमें जीमेल लॉगइन है। अब आप यहा से अपने फोन कि Location भी track कर सकते है , और अपना फ़ोन भी reset कर सकते है ।

5) इस सूची में से आपके खोए हुए स्मार्टफोन को चुने। उसके बाद लॉक यूअर फोन का ऑप्शन दिखेगा उस पर क्लिक करके नया पासवर्ड या कोई नया पिन डालें।
इस तरीके से आप  नया पासवर्ड या पिन डालने से आपका खोया हुआ स्मार्टफोन कोई और नहीं खोल पाएगा। जिससे आपको डाटा सुरक्षित रहेगा , इसके अलावा आप खुद को लॉगआउट या फोन का पूरा डाटा भी डिलेट कर सकते हैं।

दोस्तों इसी तरह की महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी हम हमेशा लाते रहते हैं। ऐसे ही महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी पाने के लिए हमें फॉलो करना ना भूले। हमारे इस पोस्ट को लाइक और शेयर जरूर करें। हमारे यह जानकारी आपको कैसे लगी हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर बताएं।

अपना फ़ोन स्पीड कैसे करें।

नमस्कार आप सभी का बहुत बहुत स्वागत है हमारे इस चैनल  R one j Tech और ब्लॉग में। आशा उमीद करता हूँ आपको ये आर्टिकल आज का बहुत पसंद आएगा और आपका प्यार और सहयोग मुझे जरूर मिलेगा। दोस्तों अपना प्यार और सहयोग बनाये रखने के लिए कृपया आप मेरे आर्टिकल को लाइक करें और साथ ही साथ शेयर जरूर करें अपने सभी दोस्तों के साथ इससे मुझे थोड़ी से मदद मिलेगी और मैं रोज अच्छी जानकारी लाने का प्रयास करूँगा। आशा करता हूँ की आप सब मेरी मदद जरूर करेंगे।

आप इस बात से अनजान तो नहीं होंगे की पिछले 2 सालों में आज इंटरनेट की कीमत में भारी कटौती हुई है . लेकिन इसके बावजूद भी अभी हमे इंटरनेट की स्पीड में कोई ज्यादा इजाफा नहीं हुआ है . लेकिन इसके बावजूद भी आपको कम इन्टरनेट स्पीड मिले तो बस कुछ सेटिंग और टिप्स को अपनाने से से आपको बेहतर स्पीड मिल सकता है .
ऐरोप्लन मोड - जी हाँ ऐरोप्लन मोड सिर्फ आपके मोबाइल के नेटवर्क को रोकना का नहीं बल्कि नेटवर्क को तेज करने का भी काम करता है। अपाको बस अपना फोन का ऐरोप्लन मोड on करना है, फिर off कर दे । जिससे आपकी internet की Speed वढ जाती है।

कैशे फाइल  को delete कर दे - मोबाइल का प्रयोग करने से हमारे फ़ोन में बहुत सारे कैश फाइल बन जाते है जो हमारे काम का ना होते हुए भी हमारे फ़ोन में रहता है है और हमारी फ़ोन की space भी लेती हैं,  तो यदि आपके मोबाइल में इन्टरनेट की स्पीड कम हो तो अपने मोबाइल से कैश फाइल को डिलीट करें और आप पाएंगे की आपका इन्टरनेट की स्पीड में कुछ बदलाव ही नहीं मिलेगा, बल्की आपका internet का speed काफी तेज हो जयेगा ।
इसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करें जिससे कि अधिक से अधिक लोगों के पास यह जानकारी बहुत सके और अधिक से अधिक लोगों को यह जानकारी मिल सके ,अगर आप सभी लोगों को यह जानकारी महत्वपूर्ण लगी तो इसे लाइक जरुर करें और अपने विचार नीचे कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर दें .
आप सभी लोगों ने अपना कीमती समय निकालकर इस खबर को पढ़ने के लिए बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद आपका दिन शुभ हो .(आप सभी से अनुरोध है की ऐसी ही जानकारी के लिए आप मुझे लाइक एवं फॉलो जरूर करें । धन्यवाद)
अगर जानकारी अच्छी लगे तो पोस्ट को लाइक, शेयर और कमेंट करें। ऐसे ही हर रोज जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए हमें फॉलो करें।

गुस्सा वही करता है , जो दिल से आपकी Care करता है ।

नमस्कार आप सभी का बहुत बहुत स्वागत है हमारे इस चैनल  R one j Tech और ब्लॉग में। आशा उमीद करता हूँ आपको ये आर्टिकल आज का बहुत पसंद आएगा और आपका प्यार और सहयोग मुझे जरूर मिलेगा। दोस्तों अपना प्यार और सहयोग बनाये रखने के लिए कृपया आप मेरे आर्टिकल को लाइक करें और साथ ही साथ शेयर जरूर करें अपने सभी दोस्तों के साथ इससे मुझे थोड़ी से मदद मिलेगी और मैं रोज अच्छी जानकारी लाने का प्रयास करूँगा। आशा करता हूँ की आप सब मेरी मदद जरूर करेंगे।


ये बात तो 110% सही है , जब हम किसी से प्यार करते है , और उन्हें कुछ तकलिफ ना हो उसी बात से डरते उनकी चिंता हमेशा सताती है ,

और इसी बिच अगर वो कुछ नादानी कर दे तो गुस्सा भी आ जाती है ।

, क्योंकि हम उनसे इतना प्यार जो करते है , और जिनसे हम प्यार करते है , उन्हें हमेशा खोने से डरते है ।

प्यार में अकसर ऐसा होता हैं, जब हम अपने जान को याद कर रहे होते हैं , तो उसी time उनका कॉल आ जाता है, या फिर sms, जिससे दिल को बहुत ही ज्यादा अच्छा लगता है,

Best Feelings in the world .

दो लोगो की रिस्ता ,

हमेशा तिसारी की बजह

से ख़राब होता है,

इसी लिए अगर आप किसी से सच्चे दिल से प्यार करते है , और उन्हें खोना नहीं चाहते तो आपको कभी भी किसी तीसरे को बिच में आने ना दे ।

प्यार मिलाना या ना मिलाना ये तो किस्मत की बात है , लेकिन जिनसे आप प्यार करते है, उसे हासिल करने के लिए कोशिश ना करें ये तो गलत बात है न , इसी लिए जिनसे आप love करते है , अगर वो आपसे दूर है , तो पूरी जान लगा दे उन्हें मनाने के लिए , अगर फिर भी ना माने तो , कम से कम आपको ये तो लगेगा न, मैंने हर वो कोशिश की उसे पाने की , पर हर किसी के किस्मत में मैं तो नहीं ना हो सकता , मेरे लिए कोई और होगा जो मुझ्रसे दिलो जान से प्यार करेगा , और सायद उसके किस्मत में मैं जरूर रहूँगा ।

जैसे ऊपर हुमलोग पढ़े की गुस्सा प्यार का हिस्सा होता है। उसी तरह जब कोई हमपे गुस्सा करे , तो उनसे नाराज नहीं होना चाहिए , बल्की उनकी बातों को समझने की कोशिश करें ।

इसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करें जिससे कि अधिक से अधिक लोगों के पास यह जानकारी बहुत सके और अधिक से अधिक लोगों को यह जानकारी मिल सके ,अगर आप सभी लोगों को यह जानकारी महत्वपूर्ण लगी तो इसे लाइक जरुर करें और अपने विचार नीचे कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर दें .

Monday, March 25, 2019

Honesty is the best policy

Honesty is the best policy

Needless to mention, honesty is the best policy in all sphere of life. Being honest is as essential as other virtues in the life because it solves many problems and lead towards the success and peace. Honesty is the property which gives lots of trust and respect in the life of honest people. Honesty is the best policy is a most famous proverb said by the great person named Benjamin Franklin.
An honest life with simplicity is the life excluding all the nonessential which marks oneness in the family and society if followed by everyone. Honesty is the good property help to live peaceful life and get success with kind respect. Being honest helps us to focus on the most important things in the life to us.

However, without developing the habit of honesty, we cannot achieve simplicity and other goodness in the life. We can say that, honesty can be without simplicity but simplicity cannot be without honesty. Without honesty, we live in the two world, means a true one and other one which we have created as an alternate. However, the person following the saying of honesty is the best policy in all the aspects of life (personal, business, job, and other relationships) generally live the same life. On one hand, where honesty lead us towards simplicity; dishonesty lead us towards duplicity.
Below are some points describing the benefits of an honest lifestyle:
Honesty in the life is the way to great intimacy means it brings our friends closer to us as true friends love our real trueness, not the one which we have created artificially.
It helps us to make good, loyal and high quality friends in the life because honesty always attracts honesty.
It helps us to be trustworthy and get lots of respect in the life because honest people are really trusted by others.
It brings strongness and confidence and helps us to get prevented from being underestimated by others or yourself.
It has been noticed that an honest person easily develops feeling of wellness and hardly develops cold, fatigue, frustration, depression, anxiety and other mental problems.
Honest people live comfortable life with lots of relief however a dishonest.
It is the important tool of peaceful life gives lots of incredible benefits and gets us out of the trouble.
In the early stages, honesty takes many efforts to get develop however later it become very easier.
A person with good character, ethics, and morality in the life easily develops honesty because a good character person has nothing to hide to anyone thus can be honest easily. Honesty gives us self encouragement without bad feeling.

Unity is strength

Unity is strength

Needless to say, united we stand and divided we fall or Unity is Strength are old proverbs. It implies that we get stronger if we stay united. Still it is prevalent in every sphere of life because when we get united, we become more constructive and productive. Therefore it holds as true in the current times as it did when it was first introduced.

Unity is Strength is a commonly used proverb that holds good in almost all walks of life  – be it a person’s professional life, personal or the society as a whole. We are more likely to accomplish our targets and dreams in less time, if we make collective efforts.

A lot of stories have been composed based on 'unity is strength' in order to explain how staying united and maintaining cordial and amicable relations with others renders strength. You must have heard the story of old man who taught his children that how they can be more potent if they cope up the problem together.  

Moreover, standing united gives you courage to strive with adversity in your life. Undoubtedly, we can literally overcome any sort catastrophics. in addition to it, there is less possibility of failure in collective efforts.

On the other hand, if we fight with our neighbours, friends and relatives and constantly try to prove that we are better than them then in the end we shall be left alone. This is true for every relationship as well as in our professional life. When we work as a team and help each other out, we are able to work better on a project. On the contrary, if we have conflicts within the team then we are likely to fall short.

At last, I would like to say that we must try to get united in order to face all adversities that strike all life on multiple time. Our collective efforts ensure our success irrespective of complexity of challenges and problems.

Knowledge is power 

Knowledge is power

‘Knowledge is Power’ is a well known proverb which refers that knowledge is a true power which always remains with the person in his ups and downs, it can never be taken away from anyone at any cost. Knowledge makes a person more potent and productive in all walks of life irrespective of his financial condition.

Basically, 'knowledge is power' proverb is said by the Francis Bacon who used to consider his Knowledge as power rather than his physical strength. The proverb means; a person having more knowledge will be able to control circumstances in the life accordingly.

Knowledge is power really means if one has complete knowledge, he/she can be more powerful in the world and do not require other things in life such as anyone’s help, friends, etc. Knowledge is a most strong tool provides power to people which cannot be defeated by other power on the earth. Knowledge provides social power to person holding certain power over those people who do not. Knowledge and power is a go together forever guy, help to address various difficulties in life. We can say that knowledge gives power and power gives knowledge.
In addition to it, all the invention and discovery are result of knowledge. It is power of knowledge that leads to innovation and transformation in the world because it helps us to think beyond our common capability. Our knowledge has ultimate possibility to transform the face of the world.

Human beings are physically weaker than animals yet they have managed things for years to become the most powerful creature on earth. Because they get power from knowledge and not depend on the physical strength. Human beings are clever creature of nature, they have ability to acquire knowledge and preserve their knowledge, research and experiences in the books in order to pass to the new generations. Knowledge gives them power to know how to control the forces of nature and then use them for getting benefited.
At last, knowledge earns respect, admiration and success therefore we would try to gain knowledge or follow excellence success will chase us.

Necessity is the mother of invention

Necessity is the mother of invention

What mainly differentiates men from animals is that man has evolved his personality and has invented several devices for his benefit, comfort and progress which animals have not. If, however, we study this point from another angle, we’ll realize that all progress has been possible because of longing for things and his necessity to do, achieve and have certain things.When a man needs a thing, he tries to have it. He adopts the methods of beg, borrow or steal. But these methods are valid and applicable only if the object desired and required already exists. But if man just imagines an object that he needs and requires for any purpose, he has to invent or discover it.

In earliest times, man invented fire by rubbing wooden sticks or stones as he wanted first to warm himself and then to eat baked or roasted meat which could be more palatable and more easily digestible. Similarly, means of agriculture and irrigation were discovered as man wanted to grow crops for cereals and other kinds of food.In the same manner, other discoveries and inventions were made. Most important among these are electricity, boat, X-Ray, surgery and so on. In modern times, we have TV, computer, telephone, satellites, bombs, trains, aero planes, internet, fax and innumerable other discoveries and inventions.All of them are there to fulfill man’s one or the other requirement. Still, the question is: Can all our necessities be assured and fulfilled through inventions? For instance, can we have the means to read the minds of cheats, swindlers, thieves, scam steers, etc.Can the judges have the means to know the real truth to deliver impartial, hundred percent correct judgments in all cases? Perhaps we still lag behind in making inventions to judge minds truly by some device or otherwise.

As you sow, as you reap

As you sow, as you reap

As the saying goes, “As you sow, so shall you reap,” we shall be rewarded or punished as per the good or bad deeds that we do. We are well acquainted with fact that we cannot escape from the law of nature or karma. Sowing and reaping, are part and parcel of the law of nature. If we sow good seeds in our lives , we will get good results. However, the reverse will happen if we decide to take the wrong way. To study or work honestly, and diligently is one way to sow good seeds.

The harvest or crop which a farmer reaps rely on two things: the seeds he uses and the mechanism he follows to cultivates his land. He can get a good quality of crop, if the seeds sown are of better quality. Basically the proverb denotes that the outcome of our actions lean on the way we perform them.  

We need to bring persistency and consistency in our endeavour in order to accomplish our dreams and desires because if we are consistence, we can expect positive outcome. We must not be lazybone and must not have the spirit of procrastination, because when you procrastinate, you will not finish the work that you are supposed to finish on time. We also need to be and have the spirit of honesty and diligence. When you do all these things correctly, you will succeed in your work.You will get good results which will make you and the people around you happy. You will also live a good life in the future. Sowing and reaping are not only for the students, but also for working people. There are many of them who have succeeded and there are many people who have failed. Those people who have succeeded in their work, excelled in their studies when they were younger. Those people who failed to succeed simply sowed bad seeds when they were younger. For example, nowadays teenagers take drugs, and when they take drugs, hundreds of cells will die and they will feel very weak. This will lead to a chain of negative events. If they are weak, they cannot concentrate on their studies. In no time, they will soon reach a working age but, the rude awakening is that they will find that no job awaits them except for menial jobs.



1.For the sake of money, felling trees indiscriminately and heading towards global destruction. Need to understand, one cannot make us as prosper as trees

2. The greatest transformation that have ever taken place on the earth, the picture depicts the whole story of the earth before advent of mankind and after

3. Mankind's inventions are becoming terminator for himself, digging own grave for posterity just by wiping out the beauty of nature

4. The picture depicts narcissistic and selfishness approach towards our best well wisher, forgetting that we are literally lean on them for survival

5. This is not something that is being taken away from someone else it is we people who are taking life away from body. Need to contemplate, it cannot reimburse in short period  

6. Giving too much priority to money can cost us the most important thing of our life which cannot be replaced with even massive sum of money because our action is incorrigible. Don't invite destruction  

7. This is how the earth is likely to look like in coming years, if we don't stop our irresponsible and destructive actions. Tomorrow depends upon What we do today. The picture depicts macabre future is waiting for us

Hidden truth of the brutal world

1.During election campaign, all the political parties claim to eradicate poverty and work for the welfare of the poor, if they are voted to power. However, once they come to come power, they forgot all their pre poll promises. Unfortunately, the poor remain poor because of loopholes in government policies. The poor suffer most due to political vendetta between major parties either.

2. We can't remain in touch of same people, places and stuffs throughout the life. Unfortunately, One has to separate from them sooner or later. We were born with nothing and have to leave the world without taking our any belongings irrespective of how much you love and care for them.

3. The greatest tragedy of our society that they don't want us to do something different and new. Being bohemian is something that they can digest, they want to remain conservative and stereotype people. They will pull our leg, if we try to do something innovative and creative.

4. At present, people hardly prefer to listen their brain as heart has an upper hand over brain. No matter, whether heart is right or wrong, we undoubtedly listen to heart. However, we need to understand that heart causes pain and sadness in life whereas brain helps us to overcome that.

5. Management always makes master strategy for self development putting aside their employees. Management often usurp the major portion of profit and credit which is result of loyal and hardworking employees.   

7. Someone’s irresponsible action can bring disaster in other life. We often spoil water whereas some people don't have even potable water. Save water and don't be a cause for other miserable life.

8. People don't see tremendous effort behind your success story. All they observe is your performance and outcome, nobody cares that how many hours you are working and practising. This is one of the biggest tragedy of our society that we never ever try to look at the effort of anyone, all we care for is performance and result.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sad reality of today's modern era

sad reality of today's modern era

1.A lot of advancement and development have taken place in last couple of decades. However, mankind could not maintain its fitness level. Therefore, world's life expectancy has drastically gone down over the years. The picture depicts the perfect example that how mankind revolutionized the world but forgot himself
2. It is damn true that people are not given importance and value when they are alive. Once they leave the world, they get all they wanted and needed. Unfortunately, the practice has become quite prevalent everywhere.

3. The picture depicts that how people are becoming less creative and innovative by using phones rather than their brain. Need to understand, a smartphone cannot be as potent as our brain because phone has limitation whereas brain has ultimate potential.
4. There is nothing wrong to use social media. However, excess of anything is bad because we become addict of them in no time. Unfortunately, majority of people are in the grip of social media and devoting ample time. Addiction doesn't let you become proficient and productive throughout your life.

5. Over the years, books have been getting less important in students life. Basically, books have been replaced with smartphones. Reading books has become monotonous and tedious job now whereas smartphones has got some magnetic power that can literally attract anyone.

6. At present, a war doesn't only break out between soldiers of two countries but also people get involved from their respective countries on social media. Sadly, that is not what a nation wants from its citizens.

7. This is the saddest picture of our society as it depicts that how we celebrate so called mother's and father's day.

8. Be bigger than your biggest excuse because the man who makes excuse has meagre possibility to accomplish what he has aspired for in life. An excuse maker doesn't lie to other but himself. Moreover, our excuse always restrains us from being a well versed person and It doesn't let us move forward. At present, the biggest tragedy with us that we are good at making excuse.

आपका स्मार्टफोन अगर चोरी हो जाए तो अपनाएं यह टिप्स, जान लो कभी भी काम आएगा

आपका स्मार्टफोन अगर चोरी हो जाए तो अपनाएं यह टिप्स, जान लो कभी भी काम आएगा कभी-कभी ऐसा भी हो जाता है कि स्मार्टफोन खो जाता है या चोर...